
Why is it important to know the origins of a certain technology?


I'm going to start this article with a phrase that I always say to all those who criticize or don't want to learn a language because of its difficulty:

Programming languages are not meant to please you or generate competition.
Each of them was born at a time when there was a specific need, and no other language was found to sufficiently meet that need.

I always had a huge prejudice against the Java language, because when I was starting out in the area, at the beginning of college, it was extremely difficult for someone who had barely had contact with codes before, so as soon as I could, I abandoned it and switched to Python and later I started learning about the web (HTML, JS, CSS, and a small beginning of PHP).
Finally, after some time I took a liking to PHP and specialized, today I work mainly with it and its frameworks, and as I have some interest (even if in the form of a hobby) in gamedev, I ended up picking it up to also learn a little C# and other languages that depend on compilation.


Anyway, years later, I was browsing a forum here and came across a comment talking about Java, and that's when I realized that the language looks a lot like what I'm already used to, and I felt the urge to give it a try. second chance for language.
I decided to go back to studying Java through a professor who I have extreme admiration for.
This professor has the habit of, whenever he starts a new course on something, making a point of explaining the history and origin of that something, and this made me see Java with completely different eyes than those who criticized the language so much in the beginning. of studies.


To summarize my personal case in a few words: Java and I have a very strong characteristic in common:
A great interest in communications between devices and interoperability, or in a single more modern word: SmartHome!

I've always had a great love for the connected home, I'm currently transforming mine little by little, and learning more about how it works exactly and how I can learn to develop for this industry too, and the story of Java is basically this: It was born to make application interoperability possible, that is, the same compiled code could run on any platform as long as it has a JVM with JRE inside, and this could be anything, from a computer, to a car radio or a watch pulse.


As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, the language came with a purpose to meet a demand that no other language at the time was capable of fulfilling in its time. It has changed a lot over time, but always carrying the same objective.
And that's why I believe that knowing the origins and history of a certain technology is crucial for your own development and learning with it, understanding the reasons why it exists, and how it will help you solve your problems.

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